Videos of Abbot

These videos of Abbot are listed in roughly chronological order. All are copied from 8mm or 16mm film. For software and hardware requirements, see the information box at bottom of this page.
- Abbot’s Pacific War slide show.
- Collision with Cowpens, 18 October 1943.
- Destroyer Life in the Pacific 1943, black & white movie.
- “War Comes To America”, from the Why We Fight film series, June 1945.
- Bombardment of Honshu, color movie, July 1945.
- Operations against Japan, color movie, July 1945. Includes Honshu bombardment footage.
- The 1950s Doc Savage color movies.
- The George Knutson color movies of the 1954 world cruise.
- 1956-57 color film including spectacular scenes of Abbot refueling. The home page video features portions of this film.
- 1957-58 John Alford color movies.
- “Greyhounds of the Sea” is a 1967 official U.S. Navy history of destroyers. No scenes of Abbot, but a great overview. Narrated by Jack Webb.
In 2014 we rebuilt all the videos and changed the way they are displayed; older web browsers may no longer play them properly. If you are using an older computer, see the information box below about reliably playing Abbot videos.