2023: The Final U.S.S. Abbot Crew Reunion

Greenbelt, Maryland

Stay tuned for more photos and details in the coming days…

Group Photo
The 2023 Reunion Attendees
Group Photo
The 2023 Reunion Veterans: (Front row, L→R) David Dumas, World War II; Ted Karras, Cold War; David Dumas’s son-in-law, Michael Stetz; and Ron Stowe, Cold War. (Back row) Bob Herbst, Cold War; Lt. Gene Gallagher, Cold War; and Michael Gallis, Howard Nickerson’s son-in-law.
Commemorative plaque:

Shipmates and Brothers, each serving their country
some for years while others for shorter times.

Some were “Deck Apes,” others were “Ping Jockeys,” others still were “Snips” and “Gunners” and “Signalmen & Quartermasters,” and “Cooks and Mess Cooks” who served and cleaned. Laundrymen, Electricians, Administrators and Pay Clerks, while still others were Barbers, and last was “The Doc” who cared for your health needs.

Yet others in the crew were “Chiefs and Officers,” who were the leaders of the Abbot crew who took us into battle, exotic ports and always brought us home again Safely.

We flew the “Meatball” for Battle Efficiency, “Communications Green C” & “Our Hedgehog Mounts” supported the “AntiSubmarine A,” which made the Abbot an “ACE Ship.”

All in all, we are the Abbot Family.

David Wesley Rodgers